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19 April 2010: The Primitives + Lucky Soul - The Bodega Social Club, Nottingham, England, UK

Primitives Bookmark and Share

Another day, another reformation. These usually fill me with dread as, with the odd exception (The Jesus And Mary Chain), the happy memories of some wonderful tunes are stealthily stolen away and replaced by a reissue and another hole in your pocket.

But hang on, this one might just be worth it...

Arriving fairly early I was concerned to see that Lucky Soul were due on at 21:00, The Primitives at 21:50 and curfew was at 22:00. Ten minutes of The Primitives is not what I was expecting.

The support, Lucky Soul, are a six-piece pop band from London, who managed to entertain the crowd with what seemed to be a mixture of Maria Mckee, Lone Justice era vocals combined with a pop/guitar/synth style. I particularly liked the keyboard line in Lips Are Unhappy which was very high in the mix and complimented the vocals a treat.

The set passed quickly and the band left the stage to a very positive reaction from the crowd and a large queue at the merchandise stall.

Tonight's crowd was made up of mainly older faces who were obviously there partly for the memories, but it was nice to see a younger contingent present as well.

21:50 came and passed, but as the clock slipped past 22:00 The Primitives took to the stage to a huge roar from the expectant audience, and raced straight into I'll Stick With You. The crowd went mad.

Tracy didn’t seem to look any different to the last time I’d seen the band nearly twenty years ago and, aside from slightly less hair, nor did Paul.

The hits streamed past to mounting hysteria from the crowd; Thru The Flowers, Way Behind Me and Stop Killing Me all caused absolute uproar and by the time Sick Of It was over, the venue was ready to explode.

And it did, as next up was Crash, everyone’s favourite pop song.

Tracy dedicated the next song to Steve Dullaghan, the bands original bassist who sadly passed away last year. I absolutely love (We've) Found A Way (To The Sun), and it was worth the effort of turning up just to hear this.

The band encored with Nothing Left and Really Stupid, before leaving the stage for a final time.

Another day, another reformation. And this one really was worth it.

Who next, The Darling Buds? See See Rider? Birdland!? We’ve Got a Fuzzbox and We’re Gonna Use It..?

Oh dear...


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